
Integrate your faith at work
Build flourishing companies

According to Barna Research, only 1% of Christians
worldwide are directly working in the religion sphere (ministry, missions, etc.), leaving the vast majority of believers engaged in other spheres of society, from arts to technology to government.

That represents an enormous opportunity to create culturally widespread impact, but roughly 65% of believers are disengaged from their work and view it as separate from their faith. This reveals that most Christians don’t realize that work was designed by God as a partnered effort toward restoring the world to its original goodness. But when people do realize that faith and work are designed by God to be integrated, work becomes an act of worship, and everything changes – lives, families, and entire.

Empowering leaders to live their unique story by integrating faith, work, and life for lasting impact wherever they are

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We need these leaders positioned across all areas of society.

We need Influential Leaders Across All Spheres of Society

Righteous leaders change their cities through justice, love, and working for the common good of all – this is part of the foundation of what we teach at Cities Project Global.

Righteous leaders change their cities through justice, love, and working for the common good of all – this is part of the foundation of what we teach at Cities Project Global.

Executives and managers can advocate for workplace policies that benefit employees who are typically unseen and underserved in corporate settings

Architects and engineers can design buildings to be accessible all, meeting the maximum safety standards and in a way that does not negatively impact the environment or pollute local and global communities

















Our Founders

Bob Varney

Bob was a serial entrepreneur for 25 years. Prior to that, he received his Ph.D. in computer science from Penn State followed by research at Bell Laboratories for three years.

During his business career he was Invited to the White House under Pres. Clinton and testified on Capitol Hill for mid-sized companies in the USA. He appeared in The Wall Street Journal Report on ABC television and also chaired Washington Chapter of the Council of Growing Companies.

For the last 20+ years he has done pro-bono work with Christian organizations. He was architect of Bill Bright’s transition out of presidency of CCC and Senior Advisor for new president, Steve Douglass and was Chairman of Table 71.

Bob currently serves as CEO and President of Cities Project Global, Inc.

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Hugh Brandt

Hugh has lived in 3 global cities for 40 years and has experienced first-hand the major problems cities have. In his book “Why God Made Cities”, Timothy Keller says, “If sin has twisted the city as it’s twisted the family, and God invented the city, then we don’t abandon it – we build it.” He has experienced twisted problems of a city that can feel overwhelming and beyond repair. He has also experienced city leaders from different spheres of society successfully work together to address these problems when their collaborative efforts reflect a culture of love for one another. He believes in Isaiah 58:12: “You’ll be known as those who can fix anything, restore old ruins, rebuild and renovate, make the community livable again.”

In his role as Global City Consultant, he has greatly enhanced our Flourishing Cities curriculum and has facilitated this flagship product in over 40 cities around the world. He continues to lead our educational work and has recently begun to serve as Chief Culture Officer.

We see a world where leaders live out their calling, transforming their cities into flourishing centers for the common good of all people.

Just as God Intended

Our Mission: Integrating Faith, Work, and Life for Lasting Impact

Awaken believers to their part in God's story
Equip them to better live out their purpose
Unleash them to create lasting renewal of their companies, communities and cities

Our mission is to guide leaders in combining their faith with their work to create meaningful change and restore communities at a systemic level.

Join Our Community at The Intersection

The Entire Workplace Needs to Consider Their Roles in Cities as Influential Centers of Kingdom Culture

About half of the world’s population lives in cities around the globe, and by 2050 that proportion will increase to about 66%. From a quantitative perspective, in order to reach the highest number of people, targeting cities is crucial.

But that’s not all.

Cities are hubs of cultural influence; what begins in a city often radiates to surrounding areas and even catches on in other cities. Nearly every cultural, political, artistic or social movement has its roots in the city.

When we talk about leaders creating impact within their sphere of society, we’re talking about creating cultural transformation, built on justice, love, shalom, and other biblical principles.

Culture-building is kingdom-building, and we need cities to be centers of influence in order to achieve greater global reach.
