Drawing upon rich theological concepts, the book explores the deep-rooted connection between faith and work, unraveling biblical teachings and shedding light on the original Hebrew words that shape our understanding of vocation, community, and each person’s unique place in it all

– Brian Mueller, LLD – President, Grand Canyon University

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About the Book

“For decades now, I have witnessed the near non-existence of the practical intersection between faith and work. The sacred-secular divide is pervasive, rendering work forever inferior. The result is confusion and ineffectiveness as we try to straddle these two disconnected worlds.

A.W. Tozer in The Pursuit of God was direct on this issue: “One of the greatest hindrances to the Christian’s internal peace is the common habit of dividing our lives into two areas—the secular and the sacred.” “But” he continues, “The sacred-secular antithesis has no foundation in the New Testament.”

Likewise, Bob Varney is decisive: “Living in an integrated way, where work, worship, and service are one, is avodah—our original calling.”

The call to return to God’s design is desperately needed, a message that can transform communities, cities, and nations. The book you hold in your hands is compact, memorable, and rich in wisdom. Properly applied, it can unlock a wonderful new freedom to be all God intended for you personally and for your work.”

– John D. Beckett, Chairman, The Beckett Companies
Author: Loving Monday: Succeeding in Business Without Selling Your Soul.
And Mastering Monday: A Guide to Integrating Faith and Work

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book front cover

Taking Your Whole Self to Work

Have you ever felt like your work has no meaning? Or like faith and daily life fall into separate days of the week and modes of being? Or like the only valid contribution you have toward kingdom building is tithing, evangelizing, or working in ministry?

Many believers feel that way and live as though there is a significant divide between their “faith life” and their “work life.” The truth is that God never intended the two to be separate. Work was created as a God-human partnership toward building flourishing cultures of redemption—toward building God’s kingdom on earth. No matter what your area of work or influence is, whether it’s in science, economics, the arts, education, or family, etc., God sees your daily life as a vital part of his story.

At Cities Project Global, we believe that in order to build a world of flourishing cities and kingdom cultures, we need leaders in every sphere of society to be engaging their work in union with their faith.

Moving Into Action

As you read the articles in the book, when you find your mind and heart stimulated, consider two different actions:

①   Find something around you that breaks God’s heart; if it also breaks your heart, determine what you can do to move it closer to how it ought to be, and then begin to do it;

② If you want help on your journey, consider registering with us to sign up for one of our offerings.

Bob and Hugh

Moving Into Action

As you read the articles in the book, when you find your mind and heart stimulated, consider two different actions:

①    Find something around you that breaks God’s heart; if it also breaks your heart, determine what you can do to move it closer to how it ought to be, and then begin to do it;

②    If you want help on your journey, consider registering with us to sign up for one of our offerings

Bob and Hugh

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